Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Organelles Playlist

We all love cells and their organelles! Learning about cells from pictures and text can be a bit boring and monotonous. A good way to solidify your learning is by listening to these catchy tunes about the different organelles and their functions! Browse through these links and find one that helps you on your quest to learn about cells. 

Vocabulary Words:
Cytoplasm - area between the nucleus and plasma membrane
Endoplasmic Reticulum - System of membranous channels and saccules 
    -Rough ER - has ribosomes; makes proteins that will be used outside of the cell
    -Smooth ER - lacks ribosomes; synthesis of complex carbohydrates and lipids
Golgi Apparatus - receives vesicles (containing proteins and lipids from the smooth ER); packages, processes, and distributes them within the cell; involved in secretion; forms lysosomes
Ribosomes - location where protein synthesis occurs (large and small subunit); can be found alone in cytoplasm, in groups (polyribosomes), or attached to ER (rough ER)
    -Ribosomes in cytoplasm - used by mitochondria and chloroplasts
    -Ribosomes on ER - sent out from cell or become part of cell membrane

Cells Cells - Parts of the Cell Rap

This rap is addictive; I guarantee you’ll listen to it more than once! This rap has great animations, good definitions, and does a really good job of explaining the main organelles. 

The Cell Song

Oh no, the singer got sucked into a cell! Luckily he made it out and is here to tell his adventures within the cell with this awesome country song.

Cell Rap

These three girls managed to balance sass and cell knowledge in this well-choreographed dance to their cell rap song.

Cell Organelle Rap - Biology Song - “Take a look at all the organelles”

Yet another rap about cells, this guy manages to teach it with style. 

“The Cell Song” by Keith Smolinski

Smolinski wrote and recorded this awesome upbeat song about organelles that will have you swaying left and right.

Biology Cell Organelle Song

Listening to this cell song to the tune of Justin Bieber is not only educational, but entertaining! 


~Simply Cells~

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