Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Eukaryotes and prokaryotes, what’s the difference?

Many people have asked us here at Simply Cells what the difference is between eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Here’s a quick breakdown that will hopefully answer your question. 

Examples of Prokaryotes: Bacteria
Examples of Eukaryotes: Protists, Plants, Animals, Fungus

Prokaryotes - No
Eukaryotes - Yes

Cell Wall (in plant cells, protects and supports the cell) / Plasma Membrane (surrounds all cells; regulates what materials enter and leave the cell)? 
Prokaryotes - Yes
Eukaryotes - Yes

Prokaryotes - Yes
Eukaryotes - Yes

Other organelles?
Prokaryotes - No
Eukaryotes - Yes

Cytosol (fluid in-between organelles)?
Prokaryotes - Yes
Eukaryotes - Yes

Cilia or Flagella?
Prokaryotes - Yes
Eukaryotes - Yes

Prokaryotes - Yes; single loop in nucleoid
Eukaryotes - Yes; in nucleus

Cell specialization?
Prokaryotes - No
Eukaryotes - Yes if multicelled

We hope this helped answer your question! 

~Simply Cells~

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